Why You Should Seriously Consider Using a Real Estate Agent

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
To be completely honest, it is really quite difficult to find the perfect apartment in New York City without a real estate agent/broker. The Manhattan real estate market is an extremely large and overwhelming beast. Things move very quickly around here and trying to take on the market on your own can be an enormous undertaking.

You see, while buyers may purchase an apartment every few years, brokers eat, drink and breathe the real estate market. They know the laws, neighborhoods, what is a good deal and isn’t, and have a vast amount of experience that could mean the difference between a mediocre overpriced apartment, and your perfectly priced dream apartment.

The experience and knowledge they have is invaluable and is impossible to find elsewhere. As great as we think this guide is, it still shouldn’t take the place of a qualified and experienced real estate agent.

Another thing to note, is that you are competing against literally hundreds (sometimes thousands) of buyers who are looking for the exact thing you are. Working with a single broker with whom you trust and are comfortable with will give you a competitive advantage over those buyers who don’t have an agent or (even worse) those who are working with multiple real estate agents.

So if you are planning on not using a broker, or multiple brokers, you will be at a major competitive disadvantage over buyers who have a relationship with a single broker who has their buyer’s interests at heart.

This is not to say that buying an apartment in the city cannot be done without an agent, just that it might mean the difference between you and your perfect apartment.

So after you have a good idea of what you want in an apartment (see steps 1 and 2 for this) the next step is finding the right broker.

That is where CityRealty comes in. After understanding what you are looking for, we can connect you with the broker that we think would be best for you.

Best of all, it won’t cost you a thing.

A 15 minute conversation with one of our real estate consultants will help us connect you with the perfect broker. So what are you waiting for? Click here to let us find the perfect broker for you.


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